Saturday, April 3, 2010

Full Circle – Script

As promised, the first few pages of the script for Full Circle. It's completely horrible and complete garbage….


CATE and RYAN are sitting in a truck speeding down the interstate heading to Florida.

When I was seventeen my mother was murdered, my stepfather was left for dead, bleeding a paralyzed from the waist down. Two weeks after the incident Pete took his own life leaving, mine forever changed.


(Turning to Ryan)
Are we going to stop soon, I'm tired and I need real food.
(Cate reaches into the cooler behind her digging out a dripping can of Mountain Dew. She holds the soda up, a look of disgust on her face.)
This stuff is going to put me into a diabetic coma.
(She opens the can of soda and takes a sip, irritated that the mountain dew is all there is to drink)

(Glances at Cate out of the side of his eye)
We can stop once we get out of Jersey. I really want to make it to at least Delaware before we stop for the night.

Cate sighs and turns to stare out the window, irritated with Ryan, irritated that she's been in the car all day and irritated that he won't stop like she wants him too. Cate leans her head on the window, closing her eyes. 

The radio plays softly, a song by Mayday Parade, Ryan's favorite band. He hums along softly, careful not to disturb the now sleeping Cate.

A green sign illuminates ahead on the highway announcing that it's over 200 miles to Delaware. Another sign announces that there is lodging just off the next exit. 

Ryan sighs and signals even though there is no one else on the highway. He approaches the exit and slowly pulls off, following the loop around and coming out on a small town in the middle of New Jersey.

He follows the road down a bit and sees the motel 8, its sign flashing on and off. He pulls into the parking lot and shuts off the truck.

It's suddenly quiet in the cab, Cate jerks awake.

What's going on?
(She looks around at the run down motel, her gaze landing on Ryan.)
Why did we stop?

It was too far to Delaware and I didn't want you sleeping in the car. You'd be evil in the morning.
Cate gently smacks his arm and the two of them get out of the car and walked toward the hotel office. They enter and Ryan leans toward the counter talking to the clerk as Cate leans against the counter.

The state of Florida sent me to live with my biological father, his new wife, and their two seemingly perfect kids. 

Cate pauses for a moment.

Life sucked for a little while, my stepsister hated me, I missed my parents, and I hated Massachusetts.

The pair collects their room key and walk up a set of concrete stairs. Two doors down they stop. Cate steps back, leaning against the metal rail as Ryan unlocks the door and goes in. The light flicks on and he walks toward the bathroom. A moment later, he comes back and Cate walks into the room.

Then I met Ryan. Ryan saved me from…well, just about everything. 

In the room, Cate has changed into pajamas and she and Ryan climb into bed. He kisses her gently before the light goes out. 


The truck comes to a stop outside a college dorm. Ryan climbs out of the truck, shielding his eyes with his hand he glances up at the building.

    (To Cate)
Bet you wish you'd taken Brynn up on her offer to get an apartment off campus.

Cate turns to Ryan, a smile on her face.

What and miss out on the consummate college experience? I don't think so.

Oh, consummate college experience, huh? What does that entail? Keg parties and streaking across campus?
(She shrugs and laughs softly)
I don't know what the consummate experience is. That's why I want to have it.

Cate walks towards Ryan and smacks him lightly on the chest. He grabs the belt loops of her shorts and pulls her toward him, kissing her.

Yeah well, don't go having any consummate experiences with any drunken frat boys. I'd hate to have to kick some asses.

(Rolling her eyes)
Whatever. Come on, we should probably start getting this stuff inside.

The two of them make multiple trips to the car, carrying cate's stuff to her room. After they are done, Cate and Ryan are sitting in the center of her room surrounded with boxes. There's a knock at the door. Ryan rises to answer it and comes back with a red and white pizza box. He sets the box down in front of Cate and she flips the lid open.

(Reaching for a slice of pizza)
So, how is this going to work? I mean am I going to come down and see you every other weekend? Are you going to come up? What are we doing?

I'll come see you, you come see me, we're only going to be two hours apart, it won't be that bad.

(Slightly emotional)
I know.


They sit in silence for a few minutes, each one eating their pizza, pensive looks on their faces. Ryan finishes his pizza and glances at his watch.

  (To Cate)
It's getting late I should probably head out.

Okay. Promise you'll call me when you get there?

Sure. Will you be okay?
Cate nods and the pair rise. She walks him to the dorm door and opens it. They walk down the hall and out to the parking lot.

I'll see you this weekend.

We can do this.

Cate nods but doesn't say anything. She leans forward resting her head on Ryan's chest.

I love you.

I love you too.

I'll see you this weekend.

He kisses her and reaches into his pocket for his car keys. She hugs him and lets him go waving as he walks away. Flash between Cate's sad face watching Ryan walk away and Ryan walking away. He glances over his shoulder at Cate when he gets to his truck. With a sad smile, he gets in and starts the truck, the drives away.



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