Thursday, May 27, 2010

Paint With Me Thursday: Fences

Simply Feather

I'm so late on this but being a working mom again after four years at home is totally taking a toll on my personal life so unfortunately I don't have a drawing for the week...I do, however, have short and sweet blurb about fences:
Fences are meant to keep unwanted things out..

but don't forget, 

to open the gate

every once in a while

and let something unexpected

come in

I hope everyone is having a fantastic week...hop the fence and swing by Simply Feather to see more amazing fence inspired art work (and this week most of them are pretty darn amazing)


  1. beautiful words! that's a great quote/poem? i can see that on a card, for encouragement, for inspiration. love love love.

  2. Juggling that working mom thing and creative output is something I haven't mastered yet myself...

    Love your quote!



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